Here is a video, a light hearted prank video in which a guy has touched 1000 girls boobs. The video is just for prank. The author’s intention is to inform the world of freedom and relaxed attitude people have in a post communist society,. The video doesn’t provide sexual arousal and it has no any relation with it. This video is clearly a light hearted funny prank where prior permission was obtained from all girls who participated in the prank act.
All girls who gave permission to be touched their boobs had stated that they were above the age of consent. The video is not for the work of the sex industry. It is not suggesting in any way for that field, shape or form. It is never ok to walk up to any girl anywhere in the world and touch her boobs or any other body parts without permission. This video might badly upset some people, to try this without full consent from the girl involved would be a serious offense, possibly resulting in a criminal conviction and being listed in a sex offender’s register. This video was made as an election stunt in Moscow
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